
Monday, September 23rd

09:00-09:05 Welcome and introduction (Dominique Blouin, Sylvain Guérin)

09:05 Keynote « Connecting and analyzing models for Digital Engineering: an industrial tool chain and outlook » by Thierry Le Sergent

Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a methodology that focuses on exploiting models as the primary means of systems analysis and engineering communication between different disciplines. Ansys has been part of this journey for many years with model-based systems development & analysis products. This presentation introduces a Digital Engineering thread based on an industrial tool chain aiming at accelerating Model-based systems engineering (MBSE). The single source of truth is made of a set of models, each dedicated to complementary disciplines ; the central piece relies on the new SysML v2 standard, connected to requirements, system safety analysis, multi-Disciplinary/multi-Fidelity models for systems analysis and trade-off analysis, and Embedded Software designs. From this state of the art in industry, outlook to the next steps and challenges will be discussed, in particular the methodology and guidance that should play an important role in Digital Engineering.

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:20 Paper « Managing Variability of Cyber-Physical Production Systems: Towards Consistency Management » by Hafiyyan Sayyid Fadhlillah, Sandra Greiner, Kevin Feichtinger, Rick Rabiser and Alois Zoitl
11:20-11:40 Paper « From Products to Product Lines: a Model-based Methodology » by Alessio Di Sandro, Logan Murphy, Torin Viger and Marsha Chechik
11:40-12:00 Paper « A Virtual Global Monorepo of Immutable Linked Data » by Joeri Exelmans, Jakob Pietron, Alexander Raschke and Hans Vangheluwe
12:00 Discussion

12:30-14:00 Lunch Break

14:00-14:20 Paper « Rapid interface generation method for heterogeneous models in Digital twins » by Felipe Xavier, David A Manrique Negrin and Loek Cleophas
14:20-14:40 Paper « Towards Processing YAML Documents with Model Management Languages » by Ionut Predoaia, Dimitris Kolovos, Antonio García-Domínguez, Matthias Lenk, Wolfram Ebel and Jan Burkl
14:40-15:00 Paper « Model Management at Renault Virtual Simulation Team: State of Practice, Challenges and Research Directions » by Yara Hallak, Dominique Blouin, Laurent Pautet, Layale Saab, Baptiste Laborie and Rakshit Mittal
15:00 Discussion

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-16:20 Paper « Benchmarx 2.0: A Benchmark for Concurrent Model Synchronisation Approaches » by Anthony Anjorin, Thomas Buchmann and Lars Fritsche
16:20-16:40 Paper « A Survey of Federative Approaches for Model Management in MBSE » by Moussa Amrani, Rakshit Mittal, Miguel Goulão, Vasco Amaral, Sylvain Guérin, Salvador Martínez, Dominique Blouin, Anish Bhobe and Yara Hallak
16:40-17:00 Paper « Towards Intelligent Model Management: An Exploratory Study and Road-mapping » by Alireza Khalilipour and Moharram Challenger
17:00 Discussion

17h30 End of workshop

Thierry Le Sergent is Product Manager at Ansys. His focus is on model-based systems & software engineering tools for the development of critical embedded systems.

Thierry Le Sergent got his PhD in computer science from « LAAS-CNRS » in 1993. He has more than 30 years of experience in the methods and tools development for Software Engineering at Verilog, Telelogic, Esterel-Technologies and Ansys as R&D project manager then product manager for the flagship SCADE Suite product.
In 2011, he launched the SCADE Architect product line, extending the scope of this SysML tool to the support of Avionics Interfaces, the AUTOSAR , FACE and the AADL standards.

For the new SysML v2 standard, Ansys launched in 2024 its new tool generation, the “System Architecture Modeler”, short name SAM.  Thierry’s current main activity is driving this tool to support MBSE and Digital Engineering.